The world is moving rapidly along with the technology, and the usage of technological devices has been increasing in wide range. They have been occupying the major part of people’s life. Earlier there were no such means, and individuals use to talk to each other to spend some time. But now they use to chat on their mobiles and browse on their smart phones for passing the time. The relationships are on edge and, it can take no time to break. Especially the students can have the greater impact of technology on their lives.
In the olden days, people use to make their children study with their books and play on the grounds. But today, kids are using the advanced gadgets like laptops, smart phones and tablet PCs for studying. They even play using these smart phones these days. There are as many disadvantages of using these technological devices to the advantages. The internet and the computers have made the life of the people easy. It can also be useful for the students in cowling many things that can be very helpful in their academics.
People can have various such things that are fantastic outputs from the technical advancements like designing software applications, customized bumper stickers, customized apparels like t-shirts and other gift articles, etc. At the same time, many other things like knowledge games, online puzzles, Wikipedia and many other portals can provide wide ranges of useful information to the students. The positive and negative impacts towards the students are equal in case of the technology. They can gain knowledge and can be able to learn many new things through the technological advancements.
It can be easy for the student to understand and operate a Smartphone rather than an experienced old person. It is because they can have the ability to adopt new things quickly. Nowadays in schools and colleges, the students can have the facility of the internet with which they can analyze and improvise various things relating to the academics and also general knowledge. They can also have different connecting gadgets like printers, headphones, and other devices that can be useful. Various types of printers are available in the markets that can serve various purposes like paper printing, poster printing, customized stickers printing and fabric printing, etc. The children have to face with different types of psychological health issue because of over usage of the gadgets. It can also affect their studies and their behaviour toward the fellow beings. The education has also become practical, and even the teachers prefer to provide the practical knowledge instead of theoretical concepts. Then only students can be able to understand easily and submit it in their way. And therefore it can be the responsibility of the parents and the teachers to explain the students about the importance of technology and its pros and cons so that children cannot misuse them.